The Power Within
Your source of power is within and you don’t even recognize it. That is mainly because you have been conditioned to look for your power on the outside. You watch TV. You look at Facebook. You look at Instagram. You look at your neighbor across the street. You look at your boss. You look at the CEO of your company. You know what looks powerful to you because you see it on other people. You use your eyes, as a tool to see what you think is power in this world. Yet what you really need to do is close your eyes. What do you see now? Your first answer is darkness but you need to keep searching. With your eyes closed ask yourself the questions:
Question |
Your answer |
On the surface you may believe that the term “me” is a bit egotistical. If you believe that there are two things to consider.
- From a scientific stand point we are all one. One homogenous set of atoms made of protons, neutrons and electrons. All matter exists based on the different vibrations of those same atoms. Therefore you are one with the universe.
- From a religious stand point you were born in the likeness of your creator. Your creator who is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. That means that you have been given great power just by being born.
When you take the time to internally reflect on your inner self you put your efforts in the only place that will bring you the power and success you desire. Nothing outside of you is more powerful than what is within you. Yet you spend more time, attention and energy on the outside. You have been conditioned to believe it is important to do so. You have been conditioned to find joy in looking at other people’s world. You have been conditioned to believe you are doing the best you can do and these are the results you can achieve. You have been conditioned to believe that maybe your time will come if you just keep the status quo. You have been conditioned to neglect the greatest power you have access to. You have been conditioned to neglect the power within.
You must take time every day to clear your mind and allow that power to grow. By meditating you stop the incessant flow of mind numbing thoughts and allow your soul to connect to your inner being. That gives you the direct connection to the power within.
You must take every opportunity to appreciate your life and all of the things within it. By practicing gratitude you bring attention to all that is good and align your thinking so that you can attract more of it.
You must take every opportunity to fill your mind with positive thoughts to reinforce and/or create the powerful beliefs that allow you to access your power within.
You are powerful. Say it. I am powerful. Yet that power is not given to you on a silver platter. Life is a journey. You were put on this earth to create. You weren’t put here to just exist and have everything just given to you. You were born with the responsibility to create your own path to success and it will never happen until you put in practices to access your power within.
Infinite Reminders are just one of many tools to put in your toolbox to help you access that power. When you are enjoying your child’s first band concert you can look down at your bracelet and be reminded that you are living the dream. When you are sitting in a meeting at work and wishing you were somewhere else you can look down at your bracelet and remind yourself that this is part of your journey and you are living the dream. When you get to work on Monday morning and you begin to miss the weekend you can look down at your wrist and be reminded to be grateful that you have a job that keeps a roof over your head. When you are watching your favorite sports team win a championship you can look down at your bracelet and be reminded to be grateful you were there to experience it.
All of those thoughts have power. That internal reflection allows you to connect to the power you have within. The more you access the power you have within the more impact that power will have on your life.
If you don’t believe I understand. You were conditioned not to do so.
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I am Power, within me I have the power to be all that my will wants.